scm file from a web-archived article from Matthew Gates 2014 titled 'Gimp SVG to Raster Script'. Note, this final command line can be adopted to other platforms by using single quotes around the entire scheme command and using bare double-quotes within. REM Process files (change to 'for /r %%i' for recursion)Įcho - Converting -i -b '(let* ((image (car (file-svg-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE \'%%i\' \'\' 72 (- 0 400) (- 0 600) 0))) (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))) (plug-in-autocrop RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable) (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable \'%%~ni.png\' \'%%~ni.png\') (gimp-image-delete image))' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
It also will look in the registry for the Gimp executable and calculate the path to the command-line version. Scheme's hard to batch to the console due to nuances with quotes as can be observed here, but it's possible. The gimp-console-.exe uses a language called 'scheme' for command interpretation. Does anybody know how to use the gimp-console-.exe program to batch convert images between formats (with default settings) in Windows ?